The PHOENICE project was present at the RTR Conference 2023 taking place in Brussels from February 14 to 16. The event focussed on Horizon2020 projects’ results and expected impacts, and what the next research steps are in essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport. The conference delivered a holistic view of how the European research scene is moving forward in these fields, bringing benefits to the environment, economy, and European society overall.
PHOENICE took part in the session Air quality: from technology to user involvement. The following points have been detailed to the audience: Description of the project and its goals, presentation of the numerical simulation approach and the first results, the development of the new dual-dilution engine with the new intake ducts, new piston and cylinder-head designs implementing Swumble Motion, the integration of the main components in the prototype engine, the definition of the needed aftertreatment system and finally the initial measurements on the prototype engine.